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    Our Early Years Provision

    'Right from the start, in early years, leaders have planned a curriculum that supports pupils to be highly successful in their learning. The curriculum is as ambitious as the national curriculum for all subjects and exceeds it for some.'

    Ofsted, November 2023:

    Outstanding Early Years Provision

    Early Years Foundation Stage

    The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) at Grazebrook Primary School consists of our Nursery and Reception classes. Both classes are taught by experienced, highly qualified staff who follow our own Early Years curriculum, which we have developed in accordance with the EYFS Statutory Framework (2023) and the non-statutory guidance, Development Matters (2023) and Birth to 5 Matters.


    What is our teaching approach in the Early Years?
    • A mix of engaging child-initiated and adult-led activities;
    • A balance of carefully planned purposeful play and direct teaching;
    • Exciting learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom;
    • Exposure to a wealth of rich language through a wide range of books and quality, meaningful interactions;
    • Caring, kind staff who model positive learning behaviours;
    • Learning environments that inspire and excite;
    • Support to manage emotions and personal relationships;
    • Individualised, inclusive learning that takes into account each child’s unique interests and needs.
    Our curriculum overviews:

    Reception here

    Nursery here

    Our community groups:

    Our Monday morning Tumble Tots session is a great opportunity to develop gross motor skills in a really fun and active way. Our wonderful coaches will welcome you as a family, encourage the children to have a go at the various stations they set up and bring a smile to your face!