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    We are committed to the early identification of Special Educational Needs (SEN). Grazebrook Primary School adopts a graduated response to meeting SEN and Disability (SEND) in line with the SEN Code of Practice 0-25, 2014. All children throughout the school are monitored regularly to ensure they continue to access the curriculum successfully and to help early identification of need.

    To help us identify, assess and provide appropriate provision we have access to the following services:

    • Educational Psychologists
    • Specialist teachers
    • Speech and Language Therapists
    • Occupational Therapists
    • Physiotherapists
    • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
    • In-house Learning Mentor Support

    We involve parents and carers in target setting and inform them of their child's progress throughout the academic year. Parents and carers are consistently involved and supported in order to help children reach their targets.

    Grazebrook is fully inclusive and we strive to ensure SEN pupils have full access to our broad curriculum and extracurricular activities. 


    Our SENCo is Caireann Conlon. They are contactable on 020 8802 4051 or at 

    SEND Information and Resources

    Coffee Morning

    (Our Coffee Mornings are....... Click on the buttons below to access some resources..)






    Family Coaching Information

    The Family Coach Service  works under the Educational Psychologist Service within Hackney's Integrated SEND Services to provide coaching opportunities for families of SEN.

    They are a needs-based service which means families do not need an official diagnosis or EHC Plan to access our services. Just an identified need or difference in any of the 4 areas of SEND:

    • Communication and Interaction

    • Cognition and Learning

    • Social, Emotional and Health Difficulties

    • Sensory or Physical Needs.

    For further information on this service, click here.  You can contact them at and they will be happy to address any concerns or answer any questions

    Family Coaching Service Flyer



    Speech & Language Information

    At Grazebrook Primary School the Speech and Language Therapist (SaLT) works closely with a Speech & Language TA and the SENCO to support children who require specialist SaLT support. 

    Priorities and actions for each half term are discussed and agreed between the SaLT and the SENCO. This may include:

    • Carrying out an assessment to update a report or targets

    • Supporting the TA with a specific intervention

    • Providing training and support to TAs and / or Teachers

    • The SaLT also work closely with leadership, teachers and TAs in the Federation so that all staff are trained and equipped to provide communication friendly strategies and support the speech language and communication needs of your child

    How will my child access Speech and Language Therapy if I am concerned?

    The process is below. If you have any concerns about your child’s speech, language and communication skills, speak to the SENCO or their class teacher in the first instance.


    Occupational Therapy Information

    The Children's Occupational Therapy (OT) team at Hackney Ark assess children aged 0 - 18 who are experiencing functional difficulties with everyday tasks due to a physical and or neurological disability.

    Difficulties may include:

    • self-care – such as dressing, using cutlery

    • school activities - using scissors, changing for PE classes

    • play activities

    The team also assess for the following difficulties:

    • co-ordination difficulty

    • sensory difficulty

    • learning difficulty

    • developmental delay

    If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s development you can book a slot for the monthly OT Drop-in Clinic at Hackney Ark.

    What are the OT drop-in clinic times and dates for 2024/25?

    Times: Monthly on Tuesdays from 1 pm to 4 pm

    • 24th September

    • 29 October

    • 26 November

    • 17 December

    How do I book to attend?

    To book your place, or for more details, contact the OT team on or via phone on 020 7014 7025


    Wellbeing and Mental Health Information 

    What is WAMHS?

    The Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools (WAMHS) project is an initiative led by the CAMHS Alliance with the support of the Children and Young People’s Integrated Commissioning work stream in City & Hackney.

    This innovative service aims to improve mental health and wellbeing support for children and young people in schools, colleges, specialist and alternative provision education settings in City & Hackney.

    Grazebrook Primary School  is part of the WAMHS project which supports our aims to improve wellbeing and mental health support by giving us access to a mental health practitioner, known as a CAMHS Worker in School (CWIS). The CWIS meets regularly with children, teachers, support staff and senior leaders to monitor, support and promote well being in the school. 

    For more information on WAMHS in schools, click here.

    At Grazebrook Primary School, Our CWIS  is Emma Fitzgerald, a Clinical Psychologist. She is in our school on alternating Thursdays. She supports the school to increase awareness and knowledge in identifying and supporting our students’ mental health difficulties. She provides regular training to our staff to recognise early signs of mental health difficulties, She supports the teaching team in managing the effects these difficulties can have in school settings. She is available to parents and carers  and can offer advice to parents and/or staff with concerns about any pupil. If you wish to book an appointment with her, please contact the SENCo at Grazebrook Primary School via

    At Grazebrook Primary School the Education Mental Health Practitioner is Amy Hegedus. They will be at Grazebrook Primary School every Monday. They offer workshops and targeted focused evidence-based support to young people who are experiencing mild to moderate difficulties with their emotional well-being.  These interventions are delivered:

    • as groups

    • to their parents/carers

    Further information about the service can be found here


    Re-Engagement Unit (REU)

    The Re-engagement Unit (REU) is a service that supports and advises children, families and schools. The aim of the service is to enable all children to be happy and to achieve well in school. They will only work with your child, family and your child’s teachers with your consent - you do not have to give this immediately, you can meet them and have a chat with them first and then decide what you would like to do.

    The REU works with the child, the teachers, the family and other professionals to help make a real change for the child. The REU is made up of workers from many different professional backgrounds: teachers; learning mentors; family support workers amongst others. The REU is also supported by a clinician from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). They believe this mix of skill sets enables them to provide you and your child with the best support possible. 

    For more information about the REU click here.


    Hackney Ark

    Hackney Ark is Hackney's diagnostic and specialist outpatients NHS service for children and young people with disabilities and additional needs. Services are provided from a central building, Hackney Ark, and in the community or home if appropriate. The centre brings together services from across education, health and social care to provide integrated multi-disciplinary oversight and responses to the needs of disabled children and their families.

    The aim of services at Hackney Ark is to:

    • Work in partnership with parents and young people to place them at the centre of decision making. This is also called person centred planning

    • Provide information, advice and support and or a diagnosis of needs where appropriate.

    • Provide a joined up approach to assessment, diagnoses, treatment, intervention and support.

    • Communicate clearly with parents, children and the team around the family taking a "tell it once" approach.

    • Work flexibly and openly to support families to lead everyday lives.

    A wide range of support and therapy is on offer at Hackney Ark.  For further information click here.


    Complex Communication Clinic

    If you have concerns about your child’s social communication, you can be referred to a team at Hackney Ark for further investigation and assessment. To decide if a child may need further assessment they are first seen by a children’s doctor at Hackney Ark. If they feel further assessment would be helpful they will refer children 5 and under to the Complex Communication Clinic. For further information about this service click here.